Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Celtic Woman Trivia Ticket Giveaway

The Celtic Woman trivia ticket giveaway is simple; here are the rules & regulations:

  1. You must answer all five questions correctly by March 17 at midnight EST.
  2. Send your answers, along with your name and e-mail address, to: vaagrmi@yahoo.com. Label the subject as: Celtic Woman Trivia. Please only one submission per individual.
  3. The name of every individual who answers all five questions correctly will go in a random drawing to win the 2 free Celtic Woman tickets at Van Andel Arena for April 5th at 7:30 PM!
  4. The winner will be contacted via e-mail on March 21st with information on how to claim their tickets.
  5. Good luck!

Celtic Woman Trivia:

  1. What are the names of all four women in Celtic Woman?
  2. What’s the name of the newest Celtic Woman singer?
  3. Who is the youngest Celtic Woman singer?
  4. What is the name of the Celtic Woman’s most recent limited edition c.d.?
  5. Who is the musical director of Celtic Woman?

***On St. Patrick’s Day, be sure to view Celtic Woman on the Today Show in the 10 AM hour with Kathie Lee & Hoda!***