Who's your favorite WWE Smackdown Superstar? Find out where they rank on WWE's
"Power 25" list of the week!
Then, come see your wrestling idol live at the Van Andel Arena!
The "WWE presents SMACKDOWN World Tour" will be in Grand Rapids this summer on July 10, 2010 at 7:30 PM. Come out for the main event, Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger plus more of your favorite Smackdown superstars, including: The Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Christian, MVP, Matt Hardy, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Kelly Kelly, and many more!!
(Line-up subject to change)Ticket prices are: $62,$47,$37,$27 and $17.
Groups of 10 or more save $5 per ticket. To order group tickets call 616.742.6185, email groupsales@smggr.com, or visit vanandelarena.com.
Tickets are available at the Van Andel Arena box office, all Ticketmaster outlets, www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at 800-745-3000.